110 years ago a young German woman followed her heart's desire...

...to become a missionary responding to the needs of the poor along the Amazon River in Brazil. This courageous response was the beginning of our Congregation dedicated to spread the Gospel through contemplative, presence to all, especially to those most in need.
Following the Spirit's lead, ministry expanded from Germany to Brazil, the USA, China Taiwan, Namibia, the Philippines and to Vietnam. Across lands and oceans, cultures and languages, the response of courageous hearts has continued to give meaning and hope to our own lives as professed Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God and as world citizens charged with bringing into light the Reign of God.
SMIC Sisters comment on what belonging to the Congregation means for them
I have received many blessings being a SMIC. I am thankful to God for the gift of my vocation to a Franciscan Marian International Congregation. I have lived with, ministered with and met so many wonderful Sisters. Many who have gone before me and have been my role models. Our Charism, to be a compassionate presence to the poor has been my Mission; following in the footsteps of our founders and the Compassionate One Jesus. Sr. Judine Jacobs
I treasure the gift of my call from God the Father through the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus as a Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Conception. Though I have many weaknesses and failings, I devote myself to Jesus, grateful to wake up to hours of morning prayer and Mass and serving the brothers and sisters whom I encounter, sharing the love and mercy of God and His Kingdom in the Church and in the world. I trust that I will be untied with God and all who accept His grace for an eternity of happiness in heaven. Sr. Jane Abeln
I am grateful for the many opportunities the Congregation has afforded me to place my talents and skills at the service of those in need. My ministries in Texas as a nurse among the Mexican American and West Texan opened my eyes to the beauty that diverse cultures offer us in our own Land. Later, as I served in Brazil accompanying persons discerning their vocational choices, I experienced an even more profound enculturation teaching me about my own cultural values within a broader context. All this is a rich blessing of experiencing God's marvelous creation and scheme of Redemption. Sr. Janice Jolin
Belonging to anything is a mixed bag of blessings and woes. Belonging to SMIC is challenging. Being asked to fulfill a role in leadership, in mission or in community is always a chance for growth and change. I have learned throughout life that change is difficult, but almost always a blessing. SMIC has provided me with multiple opportunities for change and growth as well as many inspired friendships to support and help me along the way. Sr. Joanne Riggs
To be a Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception is one of the greatest blessings of my life. I am flooded with memories beginning with the welcoming presence of our sisters to us new arrivals 60 years ago. My gratitude continues for my missionary experiences in Texas and for the compassionate presence I have experienced among us to this day. I am grateful for our international reality that continues to expand my vision of the global community. Most of all, I cherish my current contemplative life style that fills my soul with overwhelming joy. Sister Joan Reisch
 Gravesite of our Founder located in Woodland Park, NJ